Sometimes as a wedding Photographer, I have a vision I want to play out, and the couple doesn’t initially get it. They start to feel a bit uncomfortable. It isn’t until I finish, then show them on my camera the creative shot, that I hear the “wows”. The same is with God. He sees the…
God has such a beautiful and powerful way he teaches us valuable lessons. Recently, I lived with a very challenging, unsaved young woman. Although she was instantly drawn to me, it was very emotionally draining daily. One afternoon out of frustration, I sat down and asked God, “Why did you move me to this side…
If you’re like me, you don’t like to wait. For anything. Being independent has always meant, if I want something, I get it done. I remember one day years ago, after listening to sermons on the musts in a believer’s life, I boldly prayed for patience. I know scary, right I thought at the time,…
Do you ever read the Bible and think of how amazing those bible stories we believe really are? God telling Noah to build an ark with no rain. Moses leading the people through to the promised land. Joseph going from a pit to the palace. Crazy, impossible stories fill the foundation of our faith. It’s…
Do you ever sit back in amazement of God’s promises? I mean in a world of uncertainty, we have such certainty. From Genesis to Revelation he gives us constant assurance of the great God we serve. He is the ruler of the universe, yet he is working in every detail of our lives. One of…
Back in the biblical day, idols referred to large golden statues like a bull or calf or other gods. Such as buddhas that people worshipped, instead of the one true God. That culture in scripture doesn’t really apply to us now. In our modern-day, it is easy for us believers to think,” I don’t have…
Have you ever been to the airport and thought to yourself, “Next time, I’ll pack lighter?” Especially, if you’re like me and travel cross country. All that loading, carrying, and lugging around becomes tiresome. Or do you notice that every time you move, you get rid of more and keep less? Like, “why do I…
Everyone loves the taste of freshly squeezed lemonade. I know, I sure do. Not the artificially flavored powder that is mixed with water but the real deal. No one though wants to sit there and hand squeeze the juice out of each lemon. It’s hard work, time-consuming and it takes quite a bit to make…
Yes I know, it is difficult to have a great attitude in our current day. As soon as we turn on the tv or check the internet, it confirms that our world is in desperate need of a Savior. Then having to reflect on personal challenges, can make it difficult to feel thankful. Chin up,…
Growing up a church girl, I was never a David fan. I flat out didn’t like Him. The unfaithful, the murderer. He already had 8 wives, yet he took the only thing His most loyal servant, Uriah treasured. Furthermore, Uriah was the man willing to die for Him who would not leave His side, but…