We all experience tragedy. We all have had unexpected pain hit us. At some point in your life, you will suffer, it’s just a fact of life. The question is not will you suffer, but instead, what happens when you suffer?
Suffering doesn’t destroy faith, it refines it.”
I remember a few years ago when God began the critical, life-changing heart surgery in me. As he began to heal and move in deeper new ways, there was a point where I thought, “Ok, I’m good. I’m much better then I was.” Then God spoke life-changing truth into my heart.
I didn’t go to the cross so that you could be better but that you may be WHOLE.”
Speechless. As always when he drops those Holy Spirit bombs. Yes, He paid much too high a price for us to walk with a limp.
Far too many of us settle for better instead of whole. The “I’m much better than I was.” is a very dangerous place to stay. And the enemy is far to eager to convince us that “we’re good.” But there is too many broken leading the broken. I understand why. I mean, if you really allow God to do what’s necessary in order to make you whole, it is usually very painful, requires work and stripping of what is familiar. It’s layers of an onion. We are not running to sign up. But that is what he is after. A deep, God altering transformation that really sets the captives free.

designed by: Leah Marie Carson
Suffering makes some people better and some people bitter. I am reminded of David. What set Him apart and why God calls Him “a man after my own heart”, is not only His repentance but how he handled suffering. He cried His eyes out and strengthened Himself in the Lord, which led Him to the feet of Jesus. Every time.
Our sweet Jesus loves us so much. He really wants us to live the whole life he died for us to live. There is only one way to bring Jesus to others, by reflecting Him.
Let us pray together:
“Lord, if there is any past hurt, even from childhood, things I have forgotten, show me. I give you all of me. Do that deep heart transformation I need in order to live a whole life. Whatever it is in me. Show me. So that I may repent and surrender it all to you. Thank you for your unconditional love Jesus. Amen.”
Love this… love the truth that you share and that all you say comes from a deep love and sincere heart! Love you, Leah!
Sooooo good and so timely Leah! You speak the truth. I’m sharing this.