Is it just me or do you have a grand idea of God I think of Him in all His glory, on the throne, surrounded by angels worshipping Him 24/7. As if he is in heaven and I’m on earth, unreachable. Even in my most intimate moments with Him, it’s hard to see Him as…
I like to think that I love everyone. As long as I’m living comfortably unoffended then it’s easy to convince myself. Whereas we naturally choose friends based on common interests, seasons in life and how they benefit us, God chooses differently. When you truly allow Him free reign to select exactly who he wants in…
I love making new friends, in fact it’s always been easy for me. Friends of all different walks in life. From the adventurous water rafting and camping friend, the princess friend, the tomboy friend and the childhood friend. We naturally choose our friends based on interests, likes, personality meshes and similar seasons. For me, it…