Isolation might sound like a dirty word, but it’s not. There is no sweeter place to be. Currently, we are forced into seclusion as a nation and across the world. Where constant distractions and daily obligations no longer take precedence. This is freeing us up to reflect on what matters. In many ways, it is…
He Still Gets Jealous
Tune in today on this week’s podcast + blog as my bro-in-law shares his prodigal journey. There is nothing like a redemption story am I right. I have been greatly impacted by being in the fam. I remember Israel being super committed to his church + ministry as a worship leader with his wife, my…
Podcast Launch!
Yes! you heard right! Here to announce… that today I officially launch… LENS OF FAITH PODCAST Also subscribe on Itunes, Spotify + Google Play. Follow on Instagram @thelensoffaith Eekk I have all the feels.. nervous but super pumped. Can you believe that this is the 4th year as author of the Lens of Faith blog?…
Perspective in Crisis
What a trying time, don’t you agree? We hear about similar health pandemics in other countries, but America seems for the most part protected. Yet here we are, closed in our homes, cut off from social contact and little food or essentials on the store shelves. It can make people hoard, anxious, worried and live…
Faith Over Fear
These are difficult, uncertain and really weird times. This Coronavirus has people living in fear. It is really showing the true colors of those buying up all the toilet paper in stock. Yes, we should be cautious and wise during this time but living fearful is not the answer. Fear Not Did you know that…
Fruit Inspectors
If you want to know the core of a person, you must be a fruit inspector. God tells us that “no good tree bears bad fruit.” The good person brings out of the good stored in their heart. We must have discernment and know how to recognize the fruit in others. Now there is a…
Staying Teachable
The key to growth is staying teachable, which brings life and God’s good pleasure. I grew up with a performance mindset and thought God desired perfection. He had to change my mindset to be set on truth. That truth is that God desires a humble heart, a teachable spirit, and a repentant posture, not perfection….
Wise Counsel
We’ve all done it. We talk to someone about a challenge or life situation and then run with their input, putting it into action. They might even be someone we love or respect. Sometimes we end up regretting it and it is why we need wisdom. It is very important that we stop listening to…
Who doesn’t love favor am I right! Well I’ve been a Jesus loving follower my entire life but have never really experienced it to this capacity until this season of isolation that I’m in now. God has shown me a whole new perspective on favor and why He dishes it out. You see, I know…
As I sit here I just can’t help but smile. I’m in awe of how good God is. He truly is everything we could ever want or need. But sadly most people don’t really come to that understanding until they have been stripped of what this world offers. You don’t know God is all you…