Who doesn’t love favor am I right! Well I’ve been a Jesus loving follower my entire life but have never really experienced it to this capacity until this season of isolation that I’m in now. God has shown me a whole new perspective on favor and why He dishes it out.
You see, I know mercy. It was His mercy that kept me protected when I put myself in worldy situations. I know of His protection when I could of been in harms way. And of course, as believers we love to shout that we’re blessed. All these things are amazing.
But things drastically changed when I decided to live the surrendered life, the “whatever you want to do Jesus, I give you permission” life. That’s when He started to show up bigger than ever. That’s when I started to experience much more than mercy, protection and being just blessed.
Favor is peace in every circumstance. Favor is open doors that don’t make sense. It’s when you get handed things, out of the blue, and on the regular. It’s funny, I went to the grand opening of Wegmans with a new friend recently, and she was blown away. She said, “Wow Leah, people just walk up to you and give you things. Whatever you want. Girl, you have favor!” I just started laughing and tell her I hear that alot.
But why
But why suddenly in this specific season am I experiencing non stop favor Is it becuase I’m better than the next No. Is it becuase of my outgoing personality No. He has a purpose for everything He does.
Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” -Psalm 5:12
First we must humble ourselves and be completely surrendered. I mean completely. Not holding anything back. Then God starts preparing you for your destiny and when you want to give up, He keeps you steady by pouring out His favor. He also gives us so that we can bless others. It’s His favor that keeps me from being discouraged in the hardest season of my life. And I am constantly thanking Him for every moment of it big or small. Jesus is truly my forever Valentine.
Thank you for sharing. Favor is not being discussed often, and it’s refreshing to be reminded of it — favor is mentioned in God’s word a lot. But I rarely think about it or ask for it in prayers.
In this Season Leah, He is my “Best Friend”, actually in All Seasons, I Concur with All the above, Big, and Small, I am being Still, and Loving ? what He pours into MeThank you!