Isolation might sound like a dirty word, but it’s not. There is no sweeter place to be.
Currently, we are forced into seclusion as a nation and across the world. Where constant distractions and daily obligations no longer take precedence. This is freeing us up to reflect on what matters. In many ways, it is a blessing in disguise.
The Secret Place
There is no greater time than now to deepen your relationship with God. He also will put us in a place of isolation to extract out of us, to pour into us, to develop, to grow and mature us. It’s also where He heals and transforms us into a reflection of Him. In addition, it’s in that secret place that He prepares us for greatness.
My Isolation
He has put me in an isolation season for the past several years. It started out uncomfortable of course. I wanted to fight against it becuase it was everything opposite of who I was. But as I surrendered to His perfect will and allowed Him to have His way, He moved mightly.
He needed to strip me of false identity, heal my heart wholly, change my character and make me sensitive to His voice. He showed me that I am not wasting time being still, in fact, it’s the best time spent.
Now I crave this time.
Special Guest, Kim Holmes
This week on the podcast we have an eye opener. I have special guest, Kim Holmes sharing from her book, The Place of Isolation. It’s a deep one folks. Tune into this powerful discussion of how necessary isolation is for every Christian that wants to be greatly used by God.

Jesus himself craved such times.
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” -Luke 5:16
There is no more beautiful and sacred of a place then the place of isolation. You will never be the same.
Tune in to listen to the full interview:
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What a timely message for the days we’re living in! This message gives hope and brings clarity to those who have been forced into unexpected isolation due to the circumstances of the world. But God has a purpose for everything, and may He use this time to draw His people back to Him and closer to Him! Thanks to you Leah and your special guest for hosting this awesome podcast!!
What a timely message! I really needed this. Thank you!
There are times when isolation is soooooooo necessary!
Thank you @thelensoffaith for asking me to be your guest and for the opportunity to pour-out what God has given me.
I know that God didn’t only bless me for me. God also blessed me so the i could and would be a blessing to others all over the world. God’s love for me is so amazingly-overwhelming.
I. Love. God. I love His Word. And I love to see God’s people flourish.
Leah Marie 🗣I’m SUPER-EXCITED to say I see for you #blog #podcast #tv #books #toGODbetheglory 🔥🔥🔥