FEAR GO. Declare this over your hearts, families, city and country. Keep these words on your lips. Fear is never from God. It’s a spirit that should never be tolerated in our lives. Really there is only one spirit that we should welcome and that is the holy spirit. Beware of a culture that makes…
Scripture Phone Lock screens
Hey friends, I got some freebies for ya! Another aspect of my creative life is designing encouraging scripture phone lock screens and quotes that minister to your soul. When I first designed the popular, Trust in the Lord with all your heart floral design, in 2017, it took off. It immediately went viral, has been…
Answered Prayers
Tune in to this special podcast episode packed with amazing testimonies on the power of prayer. Fellow believers share their stories of God moving mightily in the way of answered prayers. I welcome seven believers from every age, walk of life, background from coast to coast to share their God stories on the power of…
The Power of Prayer
Prayer changes things. Who you become, the circumstances in your life, and the core of your character are all determined by what you talk to God about. According to the Bible, the power of prayer is, quite simply, the power of God, who hears and answers prayer. Preparing your Heart First, it’s important to come…
Faith like Abraham
Sometimes God takes you back to the beginning, to show you that he has been faithful since day one. He had me read on Abraham in the book of Genesis, and I felt a fresh revelation. Abraham’s faith was astonishing. Genesis 18 starts by telling us, that God sent his messengers to Abraham in his…
Chasing Succe$$
What does God say about money, the hustle and success? Tune into Season 4, episode 1 of the Lens of Faith podcast, Chasing Success. We’ll dig into scripture and I share insight on the love of money. Money is necessary in this world to pay bills, build a life, bless others but it should never…
Our Earthly Purpose
Are you just trying to stay comfortable while waiting on heaven or for Jesus to return? I’m in some circles of mature believers who constantly talk about the rapture, the end times, and leaving this earth for that better place in the sky. I understand the anticipation, but more importantly, our drive should be to…
Steadfast Hope
The Holy Spirit put a message of encouragement on my heart to share with you, friends. In a time of unrest in the world, we must hold on to the assurance we have in Christ who is our hope. Relationships might fail you. The government might discourage you. The world may sadden you. BUT GOD….
Fruit Inspector
There is a difference between being judgemental vs. a fruit inspector. Tune in to this podcast episode, where we will study scripture and find out what God has to say on the matter. No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. A good…
Iron Sharpens Iron
I recently sat down for a powerful unscripted Jesus chat with Crystal McCorkell. When you invite the holy spirit to lead, he does just that. So I thought this week I would share this conversation. It is also this week’s podcast episode for another way to tune in. This message is jam packed with deep…