Tune in to this special podcast episode packed with amazing testimonies on the power of prayer. Fellow believers share their stories of God moving mightily in the way of answered prayers.
I welcome seven believers from every age, walk of life, background from coast to coast to share their God stories on the power of prayer.
God answers prayers. He still performs instant miracles, baffles doctors, and blows our minds with his mighty wonders.

Trusting God
God doesn’t always give us exactly what we ask him for or when we ask. His answer may be no or wait. We live in a culture where we want it now, quick and easy, but often God prepares us for the requests. Because he’s a good father he protects us.
If he says no, it’s because he has better. I can tell you for myself, I thank God for some past unanswered prayers. I look back and go, wow God saved me from that.
You see friends, God’s ways are truly better than ours and he alone knows our life story. He knows our beginning from our end and what will ultimately be best for our good and his glory.
The challenge is, believing that truth day in and day out. We oftentimes forget that truth and try and take the reigns. Often like a child, we think we know better than our parents. We stop waiting, we go our own way or we try and make things happen.
Believe and have faith that God will come through. He loves to bless his children and nothing is too small or too great for him. He spoke the universe into existence with one simple command yet he doesn’t miss a moment of our lives.
Tune in to the podcast episode, Answered Prayers to listen to these amazing testimonies:
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Loved it ♥️
IT WAS SO GREAT! It was heartwarming and encouraging. Thank you for letting me be a part of it!