Today I celebrate my birthday and what a year already. Transition. Good transition. Change is always hard even good change. Yet as I sit here and reflect on another birthday, gratitude fills my heart. For so many reasons but mostly for God’s faithfulness. I am amazed that the God of the universe is so intricately…
Jesus loved to make a point using parables. He’s sneaky like that haha, the setup Jesus. He would share a parable, then point to you, with the goal of teaching you a lesson. I would go to say one of the hardest acts of living like Jesus, is to love the offendable. Jesus shares the…
We tend to turn to many things when we are weary or burdened. It’s our nature to comfort or distract ourselves. Whether it’s food, tv, social media, friends, shopping there are many ways we can seek temporary escape. Yet, there is the Lord’s remedy and perfect cure and only he provides that permanent relief. In…
Happy New Year friends. I pray that you have started it off right by seeking the Lord’s direction above all. There is no greater fulfillment than to stay humbly obedient. I usually celebrate New Year’s eve feeling excited, this year I did not. Last year, was one of my most emotionally difficult. From our country…
Hoping that you had a wonderful Christmas season celebrating the reason for the season. As the new year approaches, we tend to come up with new year resolutions such as losing weight and other goals. Most people chuckle at the ideas as unrealistic. It takes very intentional lifestyle changes to break old habits. I remember…
Merry Christmas loved ones! I pray you have a beautiful season filled with hope, peace, and reminders of His great love. For our gift of Jesus is the greatest gift of all. December always brings reflection on the year that is coming to an end. As I look back on this year of 2017, God…
Though I’m a proud, true blue all-American girl, we have an undeniable flaw. The problem is, Jesus is an option. Take it or leave it. Believers strive to stay comfortable, do good enough, and make it through the gates of heaven. Bibles collect dust. Social media has become an idol and revival is for those…
The Psalms came as music from David, the man after God’s own heart. He would sing psalms in good and bad times in His life. It was an outpouring of His raw emotion. As I was reading this beloved book of the bible, I felt the Holy Spirit say, “Sing them to me”. I was…
Has God ever asked you to do something that’s far out of your comfort zone? If your answer is no then maybe you’re not listening. He has called us all, as Jesus followers to live a life of faith, that brings Him glory. Without faith it is impossible to please God, he rewards those who…
I just returned yesterday, from a 10-day holy land study tour in Israel. What a trip! Every believer should experience what it was like to walk where Jesus and those before us walked. Every day, our foundation, the bible came to life. You can’t help but reflect in grateful admiration, the selfless journey of our…