God gave me this important word to share with you today. This is a much needed message for the church in this hour. I believe we are in God’s exposing season. We see the sad news of musicians, pastors and leaders that preach the gospel now being exposed for living double lives. You see, we…
Cancel Culture
Hey friends! Cancel Culture is real. Instagram locked me out and disabled my ministry account, @thelensoffaith a month ago. All because I posted one truthful comment that went viral but against their “guidelines.” The truth is my entire account makes them nervous. I hear it’s a “badge of honor.” Yet, years of creating original content…
Life Wins
Praise report!!! 🙌 Life wins! A couple yrs ago God called me to lead the charge and invite everyone I knew to gather and pray over our largest abortion clinic in the capitol of our state. This came after hearing from Planned Parenthood directors warning clinics that up to 75% of appts. cancel when people…
Rise Up
Recently, I met two amazing like minded men at a convention, who happen to be father and son. Allen Mashburn is a Pastor who is now running for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina. Zack Mashburn is taking his generation by storm by standing up for truth in a compromising culture. Rise Up Our American culture…
Armor of God
The devil is out to attack us with mental torment, lies and division. This prayer is a great way to embrace what God has given us to walk in daily victory by putting on the Armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-17) POWERFUL PRAYER 💪⚔️ Lord Jesus, I now follow your command to put on the full…
School Board gets TOLD
WHAT A NIGHT!! Last week I spoke up at my first school board meeting with other fed up parents. The school board gets told and it was powerful. The devil has over played his hand with this crazy perversion and indoctrination and we must take a stand. The enemy cannot have our children! Enough is…
Viral Video
This is something I don’t usually post about but I’m amazed at how God is using this viral video to break the internet for his glory! Two months ago I came across this video on youtube, it is a 7 minute testimony. I thought it was amazing! I reached out to the young lady, Arianna…
Exposing Satan’s Agenda
If you are awake there’s no denying that the devil is the driving force behind our woke culture. We as Christians with discernment know the reason behind it all, is spiritual. But, if you need a logical explanation, just follow the money. God is Exposing Satan’s Agenda to those paying attention. This LGBTQ and Trans…
Marketplace Ministry
God calls us to bring the light where ever we go and that includes working in corporate America. I welcome Jared and Monica Burnett on the podcast episode, Marketplace Ministry to share their incredible story. Without any retail experience, and busy raising a young family, God called them to open a huge store in the…
Freedom from Mental Torment
There is nothing like real life testimonies to prove that we serve the only living and powerful God. The one who performs signs, wonders and loves people endlessly. I’m going to start a series of testimonies on the podcast starting with Vanessa sharing her freedom from mental torment. Tune in to the podcast episode, Freedom…