I have visited Israel 3 different times and each time I go, the rejection of Jesus Yeshua is more intense. However, I know how much the God of Abraham loves this land and we need to pray for Israel.
What is happening now with these unprovoked terrorist attacks is spiritual warfare. Innocent families are being kidnapped, killed and abused just for being Jews.
Some photos from my most recent trip to Israel:

Check out this strong prophetic word by Pastor Hank Kunneman on April 16, 2023, where it has been declared by the Spirit of the Lord that God is showing Himself strong against the kings of the earth. Watch as the hand of the Lord brings a restraint against the agenda of hell to protect and expand the borders of the apple of His eye, Israel. The Spirit of God is also moving in China, as what has been underground, strengthens in power to weaken and distract the leadership in this nation.
Be encouraged as the goodness of God passes over the United States and the prayers of His people are released upon the land to cause shakings and disruptions to what the enemy has desired to do.
Do not be in fear as things begin to turn, because it is not chaos – it’s a divine reset and reversal at the hand of God almighty!
“Many are they that rise up against you, Israel. Many are they who say of thee that you will be no more. Yet I laugh,” says the Spirit of God. “Israel, you are the apple of my eyes,” says the Living God, “I shall rise up once again and I will bring great fear to those who rise up against thee, oh Israel. Netanyahu, you are filled with wisdom, and you have been touched by God, therefore, arise and prophesy to your people and speak the words ‘forever Israel stand’.”
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and I pray a wall of fire to encamp around you, Israel.
Prime Minister
“Netanyahu, you are a bulwark for your fist shall strike and some will say why have you done this? And yet,” God says, “it shall be the might of my hand to bring a restraint but to bring fear upon those who seek to rise against you at this time. But this is the hour that I will show the earth not only my love but my protection for you, Israel.
For there was a place over the Jordan that was your inheritance. Listen Netanyahu, and there is that which is over a Jordan Valley, and there is an expansion that they seek to stop and your enemies seek to strike. Yet,” the Lord of lords says, “trust not in the armory, I will break their bows. I will burn their weapons with fire, and I will expand you, Israel, for the state of Israel, now is not the time to bring the nations together to be the war that ends all things.
But there shall be fires, there shall be strikes, but quickly I shall extinguish by the power of my hand to show the earth that I am the Lord God. I did it with Pharaoh and I shall do it with Syria, Iran, China, Iraq. I will do it with you, Russia. And there will come in you, the land of the Dragon; great, great fires to seek to weaken the nations, oh nation of the Dragon, China. But what is this that is rumbling,” says the Spirit of God,
Shaking will take place
“It is that which has been underground it is the very force the very power that restrains your weapons and will bring about a shaking that will arise to distract you, China. That you will have to shut your mouth, that you will not be able to do what you think you will do because of internal matters of your own nation. There shall come uprisings. There shall come chaos in the streets and there will be a great shaking of the very soil. ‘What has happened? Why are these things collapsed?’ you say. I must at this time walk amongst the earth,” says the Lord, “to restrain the enemy who is thirsting for blood. Yet I say nay.
Justice is coming
“I will cause my goodness to pass over this country, United States. I will bring a vindication as I have promised and those who seek to indict shall be indicted themselves. And as quickly as things arise, they shall fall apart for they will see it is like feathers. Feathers that fall that have no weight for I will blow upon it,” says the Living God. Then if that is not enough they will say, ‘Now we will look to frame and to say you have interfered in the election,’” God says, “go ahead and frame. Frame your accusation, your indictment, but you have left me out of the picture. But it shall be you who seek to do this that shall be unveiled; exposed for the world to see.
“Pay attention to your summer months for things will come to a greater place of intensity. It will be the sound of war beats that will be very loud. Yet, there is that which men do not see. Underground China, those who meet in Taiwan, and you in the United States that pray. Therefore, I will take your prayers and I will pour them back on the earth. Watch through June, July, and August. There will come unusual shakings, unusual wind, and temperatures that will reach above the hundreds.
Do not be Afraid
What is happening, has God gone mad that things are this heated and intense? God says, “No. I will show the earth at this time. As the prayers of my people who have prayed shall be poured back upon the very soil of this country that the earth will shake. Look to where it shakes. Pay attention through your summer months and into your fall. Do not be afraid because a veil and a curtain of those who have done evil and have brought an agenda to deceive. They will be brought to another level of exposure now,” says the Lord. “Pay attention to resignations, removals, those who no longer can serve in their offices. I will begin to turn things upside down. For a moment it would look as though chaos has filled the air.” But God says, “No. It’s to reset it and bring it into reversal.”
We pray now over this water because I see a spring. Also summer of tornadic activity that the enemy would seek to unleash to counter. I pray as I put my hand in the water, no. I speak peace, protection. I speak to the elements, to the waterways, be at peace and I say no destruction shall come.
Pray for Israel
Continue to pray for peace, protection, cancel the evil attacks. Pray for justice and that the people would come to know Jesus and accept him as Lord.
Keep Praying, Leah
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