I hope you are having a relaxing and fun holiday weekend. Whether you’re on vacay at the beach, visiting family, or staying cool at home. I am excited to host my housewarming party today and celebrate God’s faithfulness. As we celebrate the 4th its always a reminder of our freedoms. I never take it for…
Most of us know the story of David and Bathsheba. His horrible act of sleeping with His most faithful servants wife and then ordering Him to be killed in order to hide His sin. You may be able to hide your sin from man but not God. So God sent His prophet Nathan to rebuke…
One thing that always baffles me is Christians that claim to believe in the bible, who invest and commit to bible studies but don’t really believe in the impossible. The bible is full of crazy, unimaginable, over the top stories of miracles and promises fulfilled. The same God of Noah, Moses, Joseph, Sarah, Mary and…
First off, happy fathers day to all you dads out there! You sacrifice so much and are appreciated. I want to honor my Papa Bear as I call Him. My father is not perfect but he showed us how important it is to live morally and full of integrity. Not living by the world’s standards…
Have you ever said you would never do something just to catch yourself doing it? We as Christians mean well and we think we know ourselves so well but God knows the deepest crevices of our hearts. Here I am meditating on the accounts of Jesus being arrested. He is sitting with 12 of His…
We’ve all had lessons learned the hard way, especially as young teens. We made foolish decisions, some might have had a greater consequence than others. This leads me to the life of Joseph. What an awesome story of God’s faithfulness even in our weakness. His life was such proof that God keeps His promises no…
I thought this week we would enjoy a Memorial Day speech from the late, great Billy Graham. “Three weeks ago, I had the privilege of spending an afternoon with President Eisenhower at Gettysburg. He took me on a personally conducted tour of the Battlefield of Gettysburg, explaining the strategy used by both the Confederate and…
This week has brought a heatwave and it’s important to keep hydrated. If you haven’t had enough to drink then your body can give out unexpectedly, which is also a spiritual lesson. As I was diving into John 4, the telling of the Samaritan women, I got a revelation. It’s so funny to me how…
Here’s hoping you had the best Mothers Day weekend by either celebrating that special mama or remembering her. The older I get, the more amazed I am by the unconditional sacrifice of a mother. That is probably why I used to shout out and joke about not wanting to have kids. As the oldest of…
Here I am being rocked by 212 Conference at Redemption San Jose on the last conference day. In this session, God gave me a mind-blowing revelation regarding rejection. Rejection has been a sensitive area in my life that has caused me to carry an offense. Being the popular girl growing up, I was unfamiliar with…