Hey friends, as you know the next President of the United States with be voted into office in less than a week. These elections are critical as we no longer live in a morally sound society. This election, a struggle for the soul of American Christianity is key.
The Tides have Turned
Never before has abortion been pushed and celebrated. Never before have we watched children become targeted like we do today. If you are awake then you know the demonic agenda being pushed, especially on the innocent. If the devil can’t kill you in the womb then he will try once you’re born. His only mission is to steal, kill and destroy.
I never thought I would have to speak at the school board to tell adults to ban pornographic books from elementary schools, or have to stand against children having their bodies mutilated. But this is where we’re at. When I spoke up to advocate for the younger generation, I knew it was a divine assignment. You could hear a pin drop in that room. We must walk in our God given authority and take a stand for righteousness, like never before.
Your Vote Counts
If you vote for a platform that pushes a demonic agenda than your future generations will pay the price. They already are. We are not voting for a personality, we are voting to have a leader in power that can stop this craziness. Consider the platform, not the personality.
This is not Democrat vs. Republican. We are in a spiritual battle. The fight is good vs. evil. Simply put, one side celebrates death, gender confusion, mutilation of minors, economic decline, open borders, censors religion and wants to remove our God given freedoms. There is an agenda to destroy America and all that our founding fathers died for. Elections have consequences.
The other candidate, takes a stand for life, protects people of faith and works to create a safe and prosperous country. Your choice should be clear.
You must do your part. Pray. Vote. Take a Stand.

A current report, cited by The New American and CatholicVote, finds that only 51% of “people of faith”—a group encompassing Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, and other religious traditions—are planning to vote. This signals a potentially large drop in voting participation from a demographic that has historically played a critical role in elections. If you don’t vote than you have no right to complain. No politician or person is perfect, but one is pushing a demonic agenda, the other is not. It’s not Who are you voting for, it’s What are you voting for?
Just imagine if every Christian voted biblically, what a difference we would make.
God Bless America, Leah
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