I want to share an amazing personal prodigal testimony of my brother, Nathan. His entire life he has lived in rebellion. Running the streets, selling/doing drugs, promiscuous, angry, intimidating, prideful, basically selfish.
Well, last year we took a family camping trip and I didn’t want him there. But he came and as I knew he would, unleashed his demons. Everything became chaotic as he stirred up drama within the fam.
I announced to my family afterward, something I’ve never said. “I love Nathan and will continue to pray for him but unless he gets radically saved, I want nothing to do with him.”
You see, he has always had preachers calling on his life. He carries authority, (has led drug dealers to Christ flushing their drugs down the toilet), he believes in God but has never been ready to surrender.
He should be dead. I mean deader than dead. But God has protected him, it’s really crazy. He has survived car accidents that would kill most, people tried to kill him, jail tried to end him…there were so many times the enemy tried to take him out.

Prodigal Testimony
Fast forward to earlier this year, God shook him in a dream, he woke up never the same. He completely surrendered his life to Christ. I mean surrendered it all.
He tells me today, “God is urging me to die to self. I got rid of things that had a hold on me, like the gym, music, lust..all of it. Leah, you inspire me and help me grow. You’re so beautiful.” 😭
We facetime almost every day. God is using me to encourage him to live obedient no matter the cost and to cultivate a deep relationship with Jesus.
This brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” –Luke 15
Thank you Jesus. There ain’t no sinner that you can’t save.
He now works for Amazon and has been recognized as one of their best employees. God has literally turned this man’s life around. He has been radically transformed.
If you are praying, hoping for a family member to get saved, Don’t give up. He performs miracles. Watch him do it! 🙌🙌

Taste and see that the Lord (our God) is good; How blessed (fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God) is the one who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8 Amplified Bible
Praise the Lord, all glory and honor to him alone! He is a redeemer! This testimony is an encouragement to those of us praying for our unsaved loved ones. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing! This really gives me hope for my son who is lost.
Glory! What a Savior!
Wow sis your fast lol… I was crying when I read this and thank you for being my mentor it means a lot to me our calls help me so much, all glory to God!!!
Amen. Thank you for sharing about Nathan!
Awe! You’re brother 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻 praise God