Growing up a church girl, I’ve known all my life that Jesus died for my sins. Yet, the knowledge of that fact can become too common. The Sunday school stories too sweet. In reality, Jesus didn’t just die quickly for our sins. He was tortured, pierced, mocked, ridiculed by past followers and betrayed by close friends.
Take a moment and let that sink in
Nothing makes this truth such a reality for me as the film, The Passion of the Christ. I can’t help but weep over and over, every time I watch it. Though 13 years since it was released, it still has such a powerful impact on so many and no other Jesus film compares, to this day. I still remember specific news stories of criminals turning themselves in after watching this film, cast, and crew giving their lives to Christ during the making and many in theaters during the showing.
He was tortured, pierced, mocked, ridiculed by past followers and betrayed by close friends.”
Christianity and the church have become much too casual. We’re focused on the hashtags, the coffee bar and we’ve lost the wonder and the holiness of God. He is the Holy of Holies. The Alpha and the Omega. The creator of the universe. And when we understand this reality of His suffering and His greatness, it beckons us to a greater place of intimacy with Him.
He willingly suffered and died not only that we may be forgiven of sins but that we would live free from any sort of bondage. He paid much too high a price for us to walk through this life feeling defeated.
For the joy set before Him he endured the cross, scorning its shame.Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow wearyand lose heart.” –Hebrews 12
Let us thank Him now:
“Lord, thank you for the unforgettable price you paid for me. Not only dying gruesomely for my sins but for your beautiful love that chases me every day. May I be constantly, humbly reminded of your sacrifice. For I know you died for me so that I would live for you. Amen.”
Amen Leah. Amen to what you said and amen to your prayer afterwards.
Thank you for sharing this truth, Leah! I want to meditate on what the how great a sacrifice Christ is for us. Love you! Keep up the blogging… it is the Holy Spirit’s work through you.