Everyone loves the taste of freshly squeezed lemonade. I know, I sure do. Not the artificially flavored powder that is mixed with water but the real deal. No one though wants to sit there and hand squeeze the juice out of each lemon. It’s hard work, time-consuming and it takes quite a bit to make one glass.
However, that is exactly what the great juicer, God requires of us. We tend to want the quick and easy but he is God of the timely, worth-it-all process.
Greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer affliction. This has come so that the proven genuineness of your faith, of greater worth than gold, may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” -1 Peter 1:6-7
I can testify. When I laid bare before God, in full surrender I said, ” Here I am. Do whatever you want in me. Use me to make an unerasable mark.” I didn’t truly count the cost but friends let me tell you, it’s a worthy price.
Allowing Him to purge, cut, isolate, transplant and squeeze me has led to a life of greater purpose. After all, isn’t that why we’re here? To live that purpose-driven life. He is the only one that can truly turn our lemons into lemonade.

designed by: Leah Marie Carson
When God squeezes us, he has a purpose. He’s not out to make us miserable, he is out to make us immovable. We tend to blame the enemy every time we face disappointment. But the truth is God often allows many things that seem bad to actually squeeze us into something better.
Ultimately, God is preparing us for our greater calling. Every cut, every purge, every discomfort and every hurt is refining us. It’s all for our good and his glory.
In the process, we must keep our hearts pure and free of bitterness and the temptation to give up. Allow Him to develop, purify and make something beautiful out of you.
What the world is thirsty for is something real, that fresh-squeezed God made lemonade that can not be counterfeited.
Keep your head up friends, for with every squeeze comes favor, peace, and fulfillment. For he does not forsake the righteous. Psalm 37:28. We were born for this.
Great message and perspective!