Everyone that knows me, knows my love for Trader Joe’s. I’m always reppin’. Not only do they carry innovative, hard-to-find, great-tasting foods, but it’s also cost-friendly. Early on, I was amazed by how they were able to become so successful. I mean no matter where I go, coast to coast, the store is always packed with excited shoppers. I then discovered, what sets them apart. It is the fact that they cut out the middle man. Where other stores, hire out to go to the farmers and distributors, TJ’s heads straight to the source by cutting out the middle man. Genius!
It’s so funny how the Holy Spirit speaks directly to us, in ways unique to who we individually are. What a creative God we serve. One day while watching one of my absolute favs, Christine Caine, I felt His sweet tug. The Holy Spirit saying, “Sit with me. Cut out the middle man.”

designed by: Leah Marie Carson
Don’t get me wrong. I love that woman and so many other greats that are out there boldly making Jesus known. God speaks to us in so many ways. I love turning on that powerful worship song that lifts your spirit or diving into a great devotional. But God is after a direct connection with us. One that doesn’t need a conduit.
We don’t need the perfect song, the perfect sermon or our favorite conference to tap into His presence. He calls us to press in, to cultivate a solid relationship with Him that is not based on human anointing but His power alone. We can only obtain this by spending undistracted quiet time, pressing in and seeking His face. Sometimes we need to turn off the worship music, close the devotional, leave your phone in another room on silent, and sit at Jesus’ feet-just to hear Him.
Be Intentional
Trust me, I know the struggle is real. I have always been one that gets easily distracted. It’s the enemy’s ploy to keep us distracted. Do you ever notice that you can watch a 4-hour movie, completely captivated but after 10 minutes reading your word you feel sleepy? mhmm. You have to fight distraction off. You have to be intentional. I personally, turn my phone off and leave it in a different room. Whatever it takes. Your soul depends on it.
We don’t need the perfect song, the perfect sermon or our favorite conferenceto tap into His presence. He callsus to press in, to cultivate a solid relationship with Him that is not based on human anointing but His power alone.
Let us pursue the lover of our souls, the only one that satisfies. Our Saviour, Our closest friend.
Yes, there is nothing like a real encounter and a relationship with God. Only then will we have true revelation of who He is to us on a personal level. His plans and purpose for our lives becomes clear and then we will walk in our true identity. Nothing like daddy’s attention ?
I hear u Leah Loud and Clear, nothing like some Quiet Time listening to that voice of God give Instructions, and Guidance, Be still and know that i am God is what i always Hear, it has kept me from ALL Hurt, Harm, and Danger, Thankful for His Connection to me, i can’t do nothing without Him!!!!
A BIG AMEN Leah. You used the word intentional. We as true believers ( followers ) of Jesus can honestly relate. Flesh is flesh, BUT Gods grace is greater ! Yes, He gives us the invitation and privilege to push the pause button and come. To quiet our souls, be still and KNOW He is foremost above anything else. Psalms 46: 10, Galatians 4: 6.