Have you ever had a good and peaceful moment suddenly interrupted by a bad memory or another’s offense? Of course, you have. We all have. We automatically get emotionally defensive and turn our blame toward the offender. I’m here to tell you, the offender isn’t who you think it is.
God has made it clear that “we do not fight flesh and blood (Sam, John or Jennifer) but in actuality, it is the devil and His subjects set to take us out.” Ephesians 6:12 We can only walk in victory by knowing our enemy and using the weapons God has placed before us. We are not helpless just hoping we have “a better day”. Once we get a hold of this truth and walk it out, we will be forever changed!
God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that well walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life or death fight to the finish against the devil and all His angels.” –Ephesians 6:12
Captivate your Thoughts
A few years ago, during the most painful time of my life, I carried a load of offenses. I would walk around and be tormented by memories and reminders. The enemy had a hay day on my mind, which left me with no peace. Then one day very clearly, the Holy Spirit told me to “Fight back. Captivate your thoughts.”- 2 Corinthians 10:5
It was then that I started to walk in that freedom. Whereas before, I’d let my mind roam with those toxic thoughts of offenses all day, restless nights sleep and wake up angry. All because of past offenses. With this revelation, I started to literally put my hands on my mind and verbally with authority shout, “Lord, captivate my thoughts.”
It was as if someone hit the emergency brake during a high-speed chase. Instead of giving the enemy time he doesn’t deserve, I started to recognize His attempts and immediately take action. Suddenly, I witnessed God move, when I opened my mouth and fought back.
Instead of giving the enemy time he doesn’t deserve, I started to recognize His attempts andimmediately take action.”
Friends, we must understand that the enemy is real but our Lord has given us the authority to live in victory. He wants us free. Strongholds and chains can be broken but it takes partnership. I was recently impacted by the movie, War Room. If you haven’t seen it, it is a must-watch. I immediately came home, created my own war room and time spent there has been powerful. I fight for my family, myself, others and my future.
Now there are times where God allows the enemy to move, using Him as a tool, to remind us that we need to forgive or to change our hearts. We must learn the difference. Don’t give the enemy one more day or one more moment. Captivate your thoughts. Read your word. Stay planted in truth and Fight Back.
Well said Leah. Romans 12: 2
Perfectly said. Thank you for sharing wisdom.
Beautiful!!! I’ve seen you live this out over and over and remind me to do the same. Thank you for reminding me again!! Love you, Leah!
Boom! Nailed it
Yasss!! Taking my thoughts captive one day at a time!! Never giving in or giving up ?