This powerful word is much needed wisdom for the Body of Christ regarding Soulish Prophecy.
Is it God speaking or man?
FYI when someone prophecies from Gods spirit it can be only one word but full of creative power and substance to point people forward into Gods heart.
But when someone prophecies out of the soul it can be wordy wordy wordy and have no substance no presence nor power and brings the focus onto them instead of God.
It is essential that the Body of Christ have discernment to know the difference from the human soul and the Spirit of God speaking.

Having discernment in this area will be crucial in days ahead. The weight of Gods word from His heart will have the fruit of His Life flowing through it.
There can be someone “thus sayeth the Lord” with none of that and their charisma causes people to ohhh and ahhh.
They truly believe they are speaking from God but their soul is so in charge of most of their life day by day they do not know the differences themselves.
If there is no oil in the lamp we will truly know it in days ahead.
If there is only knowledge that comes from reading or listening to others materials we will know the difference in days ahead.
And if there is no intimacy but lots of talk we will know it in days ahead.
Soulish prophecy is and has been on the rise in the church and so many have not even known the difference because we have been led by our own minds for too long.
Soulish and even operating out of familiar spirits has been on the rise in the church for so long because people have not known the difference in anointing and charisma.
This is not something we need to take lightly but truly seek the Lord for His discernment in.
Different ways
And let me say just because I don’t like your style of ministry or your mode of operation doesn’t mean you’re operating in the flesh either. These are things God’s dealing with also.
Our personal preferences must die as well if we want to truly know if one is speaking from self or God. Or we will be falsely assuming they are not when they truly are.
A kings decree doesn’t have to say a lot to do a lot!
Maturity is so so upon the heart of God for His children today. It’s almost as if we are on a super high speed highway to the other side of immaturity!
Pray for discernment friends and make intimacy with Jesus your #1 priority.
Stay Encouraged, Leah
Great article Leah! We need to k ow the Word so it is easier to discern a word from a so called prophet. We hear what they say and hold on to it. If is resonates and lines up with the Word of the Lord that is good if not let it go.