The Holy Spirit put a message of encouragement on my heart to share with you, friends. I can sense the disappointment and fear of many Christian believers in this time. For millions of Americans, so much hope has been tied into one man or leader. But God is calling us to return to him who is our only hope.
Before January 20th, I received an onslaught of text messages or emails from others containing hour-long videos from prophets, government, leaders all with the latest hopeful update. During that time, God spoke to me saying,
My people are looking to others for answers. They know the sound of man but are unfamiliar with my voice. Turn off the noise and connect with me.”
Perfect Peace
Anxiety and fear is brought on when we put our hope in an imperfect source. The enemy grips our hearts with fear, discouragement and confusion. But friends, God is our only perfect source. No one else has the “scoop” like Jesus. He sees all, he knows all and he redeems all.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10
This is not the time to shrink back and hide in fear. Do not be weary, instead continue to fight the good fight. This is the time to rise up and be who God is calling us to be.
Tune into the podcast episode, Our Only Hope now available:
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Yes Leah… He is drawing HIS people near! 🙂
This podcast really encouraged me.. thanks for sharing that message 💕
Great Podcast, Leah! Thank you for your faithfulness ✝️❤️🔥