Let’s talk about Kanye. I’ll start out by saying I could not stand the guy in the past. He literally was probably the top 3 celebrities that made me feel ill. Like acting as if he was Jesus, His prideful rants and miserable attitude. So now that I got that said, let’s talk about His transformation.
It wasn’t when he started the Sunday service that convinced me but when he took the mic one day and started passionately sharing about radical obedience.
The Holy Spirit confirmed in my spirit that this is genuine and true. I started weeping because this is so powerful and God loves the prodigals. Yes, He still turns Saul’s to Paul’s. He completely changes the most unlikely and does it all for His glory and purpose. What a powerful God we serve.
Kanye has been all over the web this week and I have enjoyed watching interview after interview as he shares His testimony. But unfortunately, there are many Christians that have brought hate upon Him with doubt and judgment in their hearts.
He even mentions in His new Jesus is King album, in one of His song lyrics that “Christians will be the first to not love or accept me.” This makes me sad and it gives us devoted Christians a bad name. We of all people should celebrate, encourage, and pray for Him.
God moves radically in the Kanyes and Justin Biebers of the world. This is who Jesus is. He didn’t come for the righteous but for the lost.
He still turns Saul’s to Paul’s.”
I believe this is just the beginning. We will hear many more radical stories of the lost being found and I can’t wait to watch Jesus show off.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” – Matthew 16:24-26