April is already here, this year is moving along too quickly. We are in a culture where everything moves quickly. But thank God His retribution does not. I literally sit here blown away by Nehemiah 9. The Israelites took advantage of God’s promise of forgiveness and grace over and over. They would turn their backs on God, do their own thing but He never deserted them.
God gave them everything. Yet they disobeyed and rebelled. But when they cried out in repentance, He heard them and in His great compassion, delivered them.” Neh. 9:27
But as soon as they were at rest, they again did what was evil in the Lord’s sight.
But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God.”
Stubbornly, they turned their backs on God and refused to listen.
They again cried out and in your compassion you delivered them time after time.” Neh. 9:28
Who do you know that could ever even pretend to love you so greatly! You see, we are as the Israelites. We worship idols, we live our own way and we justify sin all the time. But still, He rescues when we repent and call upon Him.
This doesn’t mean God isn’t just. Every time they turned, there were consequences and pain they experienced. God handed them over to their enemies and this is what pushed them to make it right.
Thank God though that He is not fair. If so we would be in bad shape. It’s His unfairness that keeps up protected when we put ourselves in harm’s way. It’s His unfairness that forgives us unconditionally and that never leaves our side even though we wander.
Take a moment to sit in silence and ponder His great love for you with a grateful heart.
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