We live in a culture where disconnection is becoming the norm. Text is preferred and you can email someone for quite some time and never really know them. Social media updates you on everyone’s lives so there’s not the great need to meet up and catch up?
I for one, crave face time. I want to see your facial expressions, hear your voice and laughter. Not emoji laughing out loud but real laughing out loud, am I right We need to get back to the value of eye contact.
I thought it was interesting when reading the short books of John 2 and 3. He ends the letters in both books with:
I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.” – 2nd book of John
Our joy is made complete when we face time. Sit down with a friend today over coffee and catch up. Facebook doesn’t give you the heart of a person. Instagram is a highlight reel. Snapchat is a seconds of filters that hide who we really are. None of these are negative ways to connect but if it is the primary way we connect than it’s not healthy.
Make time
Invest in those you love or a even a stranger and get to know who they really are. God put us here to connect and you can’t do that well if you don’t make time together a priority.
I believe that the lack of true connection in our generation has been one of the key reasons many seem somber, depressed and the suicide rate has risen. We all need to feel important and worth someone else’s time. Let’s make a habit of meeting up and spending that quality time and effort. Ask someone, “How are you today?”
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