What is the greatest evidence of a Christ follower? I believe what really sets us apart is how we handle hurt. It’s when life disappoints, people reject us and our hearts break. What you turn to and how you respond in that time is what the unbelieving world is watching. It’s proof that Christ is what makes all the difference. He’s our saving grace.
Anyone can praise God when everything is lined up. But it’s how you respond to adversity that marks you. Do you complain? Gossip? Stop praising? Where do you turn to ease the pain or fill the void?
It’s in the crash that God wants to do a new thing. He wants to teach you, shape you, and mold you into a walking display of His power.
I can relate to the pain of rock bottom and disappoint for sure. I can tell you from my own personal journey, that if I didn’t cling to God as my anchor and my refuge then I would be a different person today.
You are Unique
Everybody’s journey will look different because God is doing a new thing in each of us according to His great purpose and glory. Don’t seek to duplicate another’s calling or feel the pressure that comparison can bring.
His unique plan for your life doesn’t look like the common. What He desires has never been done before. In order for God to do what has never been done, He must take you where you’ve never been.
See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this.” Isaiah 48: 10-11
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43: 19
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