We can stay so busy, too busy really and I have learned that busyness is the enemy of intimacy. The never rest, never be still lifestyle keeps us focused on building our own kingdom, pleasing others, and disconnected from the heart of God.
Lately, I have been feeling an immense spiritual hunger and my soul will not be satisfied with anything else apart from His presence. I know this is an unending battle. We must be very intentional. The devil uses tasks, responsibilities, social media, phone addictions, and other forms to keep us constantly distracted.
O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips.” –Psalm 63
I have many a night told myself I was going to shut everything down and spend time with God, next thing you know it’s 11 pm and I fall asleep. This is the enemy’s subtle way to keep us from being still and pressing in.
Less is more
Our distractions may not be sinful activities or wrong per se, but that’s where he keeps us engaged. We convince ourselves these tasks need to be done or whatever it is we tell ourselves in a world where more is more, He says less is more.

designed by: Leah Marie Carson
We usually come to God when we have a need but if there is no great need then we don’t naturally fall to our knees. I think back on the time I fasted, which I usually only do when I need God to show up big.
Yet this time, I fasted just because I love Him and wanted Him to draw close to me. I must say, that was one of the most joyful, gratifying weeks of my life. I will never forget it. Jesus wants this love relationship to be a way of life.
I desire for His presence to be a habitation not a visitation.”
He requires our whole heart, driven to chase Him for who He is alone. Seeking His face not His hand. When we are willing to sacrifice our time and agenda for the greatest prize, we encounter Him beyond our wildest imagination. No appointment needed, He is waiting, always available in spite of our weaknesses and failures.
Let’s pray
“Lord, forgive me for anything that has been an idol in my life. I know you are always speaking and what you have is so much more important than the tasks and momentary pleasures of this world. Give me a greater hunger for your presence. Amen.”