Happy New Year friends. I pray that you have started it off right by seeking the Lord’s direction above all. There is no greater fulfillment than to stay humbly obedient.
I usually celebrate New Year’s eve feeling excited, this year I did not. Last year, was one of my most emotionally difficult. From our country and the division, the fires in my home state of California and other national disasters, to my own personal season.
Most recently, I have been feeling hugely attacked by the enemy, mainly using my landlord, in attempting to cause me discouragement. I gave my 30 day notice and am in the midst of packing now.
Believe truth
You see, if the enemy can get you to give up then he’s won. He knows His time is running out, so he’s pulling out the usual tactics. We must be quick to recognize His attempts and reject any thought that does not align with Gods truth.
When the devil lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” – John 8:44
We are not alone or forgotten. We are not unworthy or powerless. If we can believe God’s truth then we are free.
We must not give up. We must not be weary. For our Lord is our refuge and he is doing a new thing. Lately, as I read His word he has been showing me over and over that he protects the righteous, he favors the obedient and he strengthens the weak.
Let us begin this new year with a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of hope. Captivate your thoughts, press in, and watch our greatest ally defend us.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19
Just a few days ago I watched Him move in my situation and turn things around and he will do it for you. Be encouraged my friend, it all works out for those that trust Him.
This is so true! I feel like I?m in constant battle with the enemy but with God on my side all things are possible. I just need to trust Him more. Thank you for the encouragement! Thank you!
Amen Leah and what Sharon posted. I song of worship and proclamation that is in my thoughts that I love……the steadfast love of the Lord NEVER ceases. Psalms 31:7, 8 Galatians 6:9
Yes! Rejoicing in your new positioning!
This praise declaration is recorded repeatedly in Psalms: Give thanks to the Lord for HE is good and mercy endures forever.
Our friend, Robert, translates it like this: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His Covenant Love and Faithfulness endures forever!
Happy New Year in His Covenant Love and Faithfulness!
Good word!