This word meekness has always been sort of like a dirty word to me. I’ve always perceived it as passive, insecure, timid, and quite frankly not me. You want me bold and fearless right God? But oh have things changed.
In this process of pulling up roots, changing my heart, and molding me into His likeness he has taught me how important meekness is.
Meekness is actually power under control. The better trait. Anyone can speak their mind and give their opinion. But to stay self-controlled when you could say something, now that pleases our God. He can then trust you to truly make Him known and to bring Him glory. When you allow Him to master your mouth and your attitude then get ready for NEW LEVELS.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” -Matthew 5:5
I am a living example of an outspoken, bold woman that always had an opinion. It doesn’t mean I was wrong with what I said. You see, I could be 100% right yet 100% wrong. Right in the what I said yet wrong in saying it.
Lion + the lamb
God had to begin this process in me of giving Him complete control. Meaning he keeps me humbly quiet when I could say something. Then has had me speak a hard word with His authority when I feel uncomfortable doing so. For if our hearts motive when we speak is out of anger, pride or judgment then it is sin. Speaking out of obedience with a pure heart spurred by love is Jesus.
The Holy Spirit showed me, that in order to truly be His disciple I needed to look like Him, who is bold and meek. We are quick to put people in a box. I’m an extrovert you’re an introvert. I’m bold, you’re shy. But this isn’t a personality thing.
God wants the bold to control what and when they speak. God wants the quiet to speak up and be bold when necessary. He is wanting to mold all of us into His perfect likeness. You see Jesus is not one or the other. He is justice and humility, the lion and the lamb.
It’s all about humbling yourself, staying meek and speaking boldly when he leads, that is what truly brings people to Christ. I constantly witness this next level Holy Spirit led life and now have the privilege to experience the powerful, life-changing results in myself and others.
Let us pray, for we all struggle in this area:
“Lord, please forgive me for pride and a lack of meekness. I surrender to you. Humble my heart, give me the wisdom I need and use my life for your glory. Amen.”
Good one! God bless