It’s almost fall already! Where has the time gone? I hope you had a wonderful summer! While praying on what the Holy Spirit would have me write this week, He spoke what was my life message a few years ago. One I have not yet shared the blog.
Jesus + Nothing.
A few years ago, when God initially moved me across the country, stripped me of everything and began a life-changing work in me, he showed me the beginning of my process with a clear picture. He was after my heart and wanting to purge any false identity. He showed me the average Christian has a shelf, Jesus may be on it but so are many other things.
For example, success, money, our spouses, our children or our comfortable lives are on that shelf. In my case he showed me, my identity was wrapped in my relationships. My family and friends. It was as if I was like, “Jesus, I love you. You’re my favorite. Just don’t take my people.” He responded, “Oh really. How about I take your people. I must be the ONLY thing.” Whoa.
So he cleared the shelf by moving me so far away from that identity and then was able to have my undivided attention. I will never be the same. Allowing God to do whatever it took, whatever he needed, has changed me entirely. Sure there have been many times I’ve wanted to give up. It has been very difficult at times, but His supernatural grace keeps me faithful.
Missions Trip
A couple of years ago, while on a missions trip with Praying Pelican to Belize, our leader asked me if I would share my Jesus + nothing message at the church service.
As I did, I had women come up to me in amazement as the Holy Spirit spoke to many. It is a lifelong process of God reminding me that he is enough. That doesn’t mean I don’t have dreams or care about other things. What it means is, I don’t need anything else to complete me. When he’s all that’s on the shelf, you then become quick to listen and obey without anything else pulling you.
We sing at church, “Jesus, you’re all I want.” Those “take it all” songs are catchy but to really live it, is what he requires.
Jesus tells His disciples, if anyone would come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever would save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit you if you gain the whole world and forfeits your soul” –Matthew 16:24-26

Jungle home ministry
I challenge you to ask God as we pray together.
“Lord, what is on my shelf that competes with you Is there any false identity Please show me how to clear my shelf of things that compete with you. Amen.”
So glad I met you and was able to experience Belize with you. Beautiful words Leah! Thank you!
Yes, Thank you
Yes Leah, thank you for sharing your heart. Every morning our Maker causes us to wake up to a new beginning to choose His will or ours. Psalms 100: 2
Amen. Clearing my shelf and dusting it off to polish up real good for Jesus!
Thanks for sharing your heart, Leah.