Recently, I attended my favorite annual conference 212 in South Carolina. I always come expectant and always leave charged. There the Holy Spirit really spoke to me about coming to the alter. He has been really trying to get my attention lately, well for years now, to press in. When he began to tell me back then, it was so vague and I wasn’t sure how to make it practical. I mean, I spend quiet time with Him every morning, isn’t that enough? He softly nudged me, “don’t treat time with me as a routine that you check off your “to-do” list. Quiet yourself.”
Us as busy Americans don’t make time for God as we should, at least I don’t. As someone who has always been easily distracted, just the thought of sitting down and reading through a book makes me antsy. I want to get up and go and I have a hard time staying still. So I came to Him quite honestly and asked Jesus to help me.
Be Intentional
For all you fellow movers out there, this might help. He showed how to be intentional. Each morning before I spend time at the alter, there are two very critical actions I take. I turn my phone to silent mode, literally move it to another room, to avoid temptation. And two, I captivate my thoughts. 2 Corinthians 10:5
I demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and I take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” -2 Cor 10:5
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
With authority, I captivate my thoughts, which clears my mind and prepares me to hear His voice above all others. Remember, the enemy doesn’t want you to have that life alter-ing time with Jesus. He’ll do whatever it takes. Do you ever notice that you can easily watch a four hour movie, one you don’t even like, with no distractions? But as soon as you sit down to read your word, you have a million reasons to get up or you become suddenly sleepy? This is the enemy’s sneaky attempt to prevent you from digging in. You absolutely must captivate your thoughts and be intentional.
Everything flows from the alter. You are altered at the alter. That’s where the power is. Just a couple of weeks ago, he told me, “Spend more time with me. You’ve been too busy. I’m always speaking and I want to show you things. Saturate yourself in my word. I’m going to use you in ways you have never imagined.” Normal 10-minute quiet time is not enough.
Let’s start a conversation. I’d love to hear of your life alter-ing journey. The link to comment is under the title of each post.
As a sweet reminder, I designed a free phone wallpaper for you to download (use the link for correct phone size).
Leah- you have taught me the beginning of my long journey at the alter. Bless you for writing these words for us! Thank you!
Leah it’s just that simply, spend more time with the Lord, i get it, make time for Him who cares for us Always!
We are altered at the alter. Love this