Do you ever read the Bible and think of how amazing those bible stories we believe really are? God telling Noah to build an ark with no rain. Moses leading the people through to the promised land. Joseph going from a pit to the palace. Crazy, impossible stories fill the foundation of our faith. It’s difficult to believe we serve that same extravagant God today. He might do a bit of healing or deliverance here and there but is He the same God of Moses
I’m here to tell you, Yes. The same God back then is the same God today. We serve a sea splitting God. The miracle maker. God of wonders. God of the impossible…and I am living proof.
Bible Story Faith
My journey is one of extreme faith. The God of the impossible has personally given me over 50 specific promises telling of my future and what’s to come. Currently, it all looks dead and foolish. The details are supernatural in every way and only with lens of faith would I be able to see. I could not continue if I did not truly believe that He is the same unchanging God of yesterday.
One rough day, I remember telling God I wanted to give up. I asked Him, “Just give me one word of encouragement, to help me continue.” He did. He led me to Number 23:19. I knew it was God because who naturally reads the book of Numbers ha. It’s a book unfamiliar to me but what I read next shook me. God proclaims,
I am not man that I should lie, nor a human being, that I would change my mind. Do I not speak and then not act? Do I not promise and not fulfill?”
Tears rolled down my cheek as I felt His sweet assurance.
In the natural, I might look foolish but I know what God is preparing will be Historic. He has told me, “Your testimony will bring people to salvation.” In the wait, he is not only preparing me for those promises. He is cultivating a beautiful heart that desires Him above all. When it’s all said and done, he is after our whole heart.
God is not a man that he would lie or change His mind. He doesn’t look like us, he doesn’t think like us and he doesn’t move like us. His ways and timing are so much greater.
He is the same God who speaks, heals, and performs miracles. Let us believe in the God of the impossible. Hold tight loved ones.
Amen leah… such encouraging words. When you said in the natural I might look foolish wow, that’s how I feel. But we hide so much so the people want know what’s really going on because we don’t want to look foolish to them. Interesting that you said that because I was at my job today and this lady said hey, I saw your spouse the other day and said every time I see your wife she looks so happy, things must be going great. I looked at her and smiled. I said to myself, just because things look happy on the outside with a person doesn’t mean they aren’t hurting on the inside. Never judge a book by its cover. Today you gave me something to think about, Keep the faith and hold on, because god has always got us.