What a week friends! We saw God’s mercy on America on election day. Instead of having a candidate that mocks Christians and morality voted into in office, we instead elected one that protects our religious freedoms and our nation. Praise the Lord!
We Are the Majority
I was surprised to see this map showing the actual landslide that took place. Americans of every age and background have made it clear that we are tired of it all. Killing babies isn’t as popular as they thought.
As you can clearly see, there are no blue states. Just loud blue cities trying to tell the rest of us how to live. Hollywood controls your entertainment so it makes sense if you have felt overwhelmed with their demonic agenda, but take heart. The devil is just a mouse with a microphone.

Humility is the way forward
There has been a shift from 2020. I remember many people saying that there would be a red wave and there was more of an arrogance in the air. But the night of the election when the vote count seemed fishy, God gave me a revelation. He told me, “I’m allowing this to happen in order to expose the corruption that has long been hidden.”
And boy oh boy have we seen it. These past few years, there has been great exposure in government, media, entertainment, education and the church. God has been cleaning house.
I believe that what happened in 2020 was actually a divine setup. God allowed all of it to take place for a greater purpose. He needed to expose corruption, wake up the sleepy church who has taken his grace and patience for granted. Also, America needed to be reminded of God’s power.
The church is now awake. People are now walking in humility and recognizing the need for Almighty God. We have repented, fasted and prayed for mercy and God is granting it. America is not the land of the free apart from King Jesus. We can do nothing apart from him and he requires humility before honor.
God changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. The government is on his shoulders.” -Daniel 2:21
Let’s not waste this window of God’s mercy on America. We have work to do!
All for his glory, Leah
Love it! And love the verse. I agree with everything you said.