Today I tackle the topic of pride, it is said many times in the bible that God hates pride. He opposes, rejects, turns his back on, humbles and detests a prideful person.
As someone who has had a prideful attitude and heart most of my life, I can testify that it’s true. Tune in to this week’s podcast as I share on the episode, Why God Hates Pride.
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” –Proverbs 16:18
Powerful Bible story on Pride
Anytime God wants to show me a powerful example of pride and restoration, he takes me back to the story of King Nebuchadnezzar. He was a king who had it all. God favored him with fame, power, wealth and his hearts desires. Yet instead of praising God, he instead became arrogant and allowed his heart to harden.
God not only spoke to him through an upseting dream but he also had Daniel interpret the dream that warned the king to repent before it was too late. God outlined exactly what would happen to the king if he did not humble himself and renounce his sins.
Instead he became more defiant. So in turn, everything God said would happens, in great detail, happened. He was driven away from his kingdom and his people, he became as an animal and living in the wild.
But his sanity was restored when he humbled himself, cried out to God and got his heart right. God not only restored him but he blessed him with bigger and better than he had before.
Unfortunately, many people such as the king, have to fall off a cliff before they humble themselves and get right with God. But God tries to save us. He sweetly convicts and warns us before we crash. He loves us more than anyone and wants our hearts to be right.
Tune into the podcast episode, Why God Hates Pride, now available:
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Anonymous says
Beautiful scripture illustrations. A much needed topic for today. Lest we take heed. We GRATEFUL for the reminder. Now, we as the church has to pray for a spirit of conviction so that God can show ourselves. Thanks again!