I’m sure you have heard people say that they were born gay, but that’s simply not true. Everything good or bad starts with a seed that has been planted. My guest, Kamara Campbell was attracted to the same sex since she was 8 years old and then lived as a lesbian. She shares her testimony of being set free and we discuss the real root cause of homosexuality.
Everything starts with a Seed
God gave Kamara a powerful vision of why people are attracted to the same sex and the cause of many other addictions and sins. This conversation will be an eye opener and give greater understanding to the spiritual aspects of this destructive lifestyle.
Watch the interview here:
Kamara Campbell has written 4 books and produced a film, Identity to help those struggling with sin and same sex attraction. Her books are available on Amazon and are titled, When Your Loved One Comes Out of the Closet: 10 Do’s And Don’ts, Blinded By Witchcraft, The Word of God vs The World: Mental Illness: Spiritual? Chemical? Or Both? and Femininity: The Beauty after the Deliverance. Her film is offered free on the Tubi app.
Tune into this podcast episode, The Root Cause of Homosexuality, to hear the interview or watch on youtube:
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Glory to God!
Stay Encouraged, Leah
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