Tune into the new podcast episode, Supernatural Dreams, now available on all platforms. I welcome, biblical teacher, Jon Farmer as he shares his prophetic dreams and his goal to equip believers with the truth of God’s word.
God speaks to us in many different ways. He speaks through the bible, prophetic words, downloads, dreams, visions, angelic encounters and more. I personally don’t get a ton of God dreams but have a belly full of prophetic words. Whatever way God chooses, the result is always supernatural.
God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” -Acts 2:17
Miracle Story
God gave Jon a prophetic dream about his daughter who was born with an incurable eye disease and had epilepsy. In the dream he was shown a timeline of her healing and the age that she would be when God will completely heal her.
Tune into our interview on youtube:
Upcoming Workshop
Jon is teaching an upcoming workshop in Raleigh, NC, using the ministry of John G. Lake. If you would like to know more or attend please visit: https://monchristiangifts.com/
Tune into this episode, Supernatural Dreams, as Jon Farmer shares his supernatural dreams and goal to equip the body of Christ:.
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Be Encouraged, Leah
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