I’m back with Season 7 of the Lens of Faith podcast!! This episode, Trans to Transformed is going to change lives! I don’t think people are ready.
Shocking Statistic
Did you know that as of today, 1 out of every 3 Gen z (ages 11-25) now identify as LGBTQ? Mind blowing, right!
This sad reality gave me confirmation and understanding on why God set me up with my first guest.
Trans to Transformed
Azario lived as a trans person for 16 years and discovered that everything the devil offers is a lie. In the midst of depression, numerous surgeries and mental torment, God met and rescued him from dark to light. He is now transitioning back to who God created him to be.
Instead of keeping his journey private, God led him to boldly share his story to help others and to expose what they are not telling you about this destructive lifestyle. He is going viral right now on tik tok and social media as he shares his journey and exposes the powerful truth.
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” -Colossians 1:13-14
Watch our interview:
Please pray for Azario as he is faced with much negativity from the trans community. The devil doesn’t want people in thier right mind and loving who God created them to be.
Also if you can, donate to his Go Fund me so that he can physically go back to his God given body and continue to help rescue the countless others who need the hope of Jesus Christ.
The devil is here to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus came to bring a full life.” -John 10:10
Tune into this episode, Trans to Transformed where Azario tells us why he became transgender and how God rescued him. We also expose the truth on why this lifestyle is being pushed so hard in America right now.
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Be Bold, Leah
Wow, Leah! I just listened to this interview and wow, that was so powerful! So glad he is speaking out and thank you for interviewing him and sharing!
Crazy story and a great testimony!
Azario you are so loved, thank you for your trans-parency, and strength in speaking your truth. So many lost souls and people dealing with trauma making permanent decisions to their bodies for something that can be healed with therapy and the love of Jesus. Everyone has some level of trauma and Satan is sitting back waiting to prey on a situation to implant his agenda which will only make your emotional wellness worse and masked with the acceptance of people in the same struggle. Broke people can’t fix broke people. You have turned your story into tool to help save some lives, God purpose for our lives to be vessels of love, this can be shown as not being an aggressive self-righteous person but be an example having your love of him shine thru the the pores of your skin. Let Jesus captivate your mind and thoughts people will be drawn to you and your message.
Thank you for loving the lost my prayer is that you will continue to hunger for Christ, build your relationship with him, be the vessel God created you to be…be the example you wish you experienced from the from “Christians” love on his children thru mercy, grace, dignity, and compassion…..and by example.
great job Leah!
Leah, this man that you interviewed is intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally outstanding. He articulated what most people cannot, and it was an incredible thorough interview! I shared it praying many many many many people see this.
What a POWERFUL TESTIMONY! Congratulations! Keep blessing the masses with your ministry!