There is nothing like real life testimonies to prove that we serve the only living and powerful God. The one who performs signs, wonders and loves people endlessly. I’m going to start a series of testimonies on the podcast starting with Vanessa sharing her freedom from mental torment.
Tune in to the podcast episode, Freedom from Mental Torment to listen or watch Vanessa’s testimony.
When you share your testimony it points to God’s goodness and the enemy has no power in trying to shame or silence you. God uses our trials, weaknesses and tragedies to minister to others who may be struggling the same way. It brings freedom to the listener. Your story for his glory.
Mental Torment
We all have struggled in this area at some point or may still be in bondage. You see, every choice we make, good or bad, starts with a single thought. And the devil knows this. He knows that if we believe the lies he tells us, they will eventually become actions and those actions unchecked lead to destruction. So he targets our mind.
The thief, the devil comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” -John 10:10
Combating the Lies
This is why it is so critical that we learn to captivate our thoughts and allow the Lord to do whatever he needs to do in us so that we have our identity in Christ. I personally, have memorized 2 Corinthians 10:5 which I speak over my mind every day. When you know and declare the truth of who God is and who he says you are, then the devil has no chance.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” –2 Corinthians 10:5
Tune in to Vanessa’s testimony on the latest podcast episode, Freedom from Mental Torment:
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Be Encouraged, Leah
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