I am excited to have my sister, YWAM Missionary of 12 years, Hannah Keith share her testimony on the podcast episode, Outside Your Comfort Zone. God asked her to do the last thing she ever wanted to do and did not think she could. When she stepped out in obedience and partnered with God she witnessed him do more than she ever could of imagined.
We live in a world that is not only constantly selling us comfort, but we often deal with fear, pain and insecurities that keep us stuck. But God calls us to more! Do it afraid.
Walking in your calling requires you to trust God and come out of your comfort zone. There is so much more that he has for us when we trust him in every area of our lives.
Worth It
You will know God wants you to get out of your comfort zone and into the unknown when the risk is truly worth the reward. What do you feel an urge by the holy spirit to do but keep talking yourself out of?
Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” – Matthew 10:23
Your Calling
Any spot outside your comfort zone initially can make you timid and fearful. But in reality, following God means stepping into a life filled with adventure because the Kingdom of God is not just talking; it is living by God’s power.
All we have to do is look at the bible characters such as the disciples.
None of them are predictable or tame. Instead, they read like adventure novels, racing from one surprising scene to another. And the people God used were constantly living outside their comfort zones and sometimes even giving up everything.
God was always moving them, molding them, and calling them to trust Him in unfamiliar, uncomfortable places.
There’s just no arguing the point that following God means exactly that. We follow. Even if it makes us uncomfortable. Otherwise we miss out on His full plan for us, and all the blessings that come with it.
Tune in to the full conversation on the latest podcast episode, Outside Your Comfort Zone:
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Be Encouraged, Leah
It was a blessing seeing / hearing the interaction between the both of you to see how you both have grown in your own personal relationship in Christ which is an ongoing testimony of our Lords faithfulness. Love, Dad