Never in my lifetime have I seen the blatant evil and perversion targeting children, like now.
If it’s not the gender confusion then it’s exploiting children for profit. The entertainment industry, the cartel, powerful elites and businesses are all taking part.
Millstone Time
And this evil is being brought to light, it’s being exposed because God doesn’t play when it comes to harming children.
It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” – Luke 17:2

We must speak up and cancel those that are targeting the children. My heart cries out for the innocent. On behalf of my nine young nieces and nephews who have to grow up in this world, I will not back down.
We know this is all very demonic. This is a spiritual battle we are fighting. It is good versus evil. It’s millstone time.
For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.” –John 3:20
We must do our part to monitor what our kids watch, the schools they attend, the friends they make and the environment they live in because it all plays a part in who they will become.
God wants to raise up the next generation to be mighty and holy kingdom shakers that impact the world for eternity.
Fight the good fight, Leah
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