Society tells us as singles that we are missing out but the truth is we are missing him. Jesus is the only perfect lover and no one else can fill that void. Tune in to the podcast episode, Single and Satisfied, as Leah shares from her long season of singleness how to wait well and fall in love with the One.
Waiting Well
So many of us Christians are waiting on God to bring the One. You might be waiting but are you waiting well? The single season is not a wasted time of loneliness and lack. God doesn’t have you single to keep you unhappy, burn with passion and just ready to settle for anyone that claims to be a Christian, has a job and good morals.
Purpose for the Wait
When you are single you are free to do things that are very difficult to do once you are married and start a family. You are able to give your relationship with Jesus undivided attention, time and focus. You will need a unshakeable relationship with Jesus when the challenges of marriage come. It is also your time to do amazing things now like go back to school, write that book, start that business, go on mission without the tug of another relationship.
Most importantly, it’s a time to cultivate a rich, love relationship with Jesus where you are fully dependent on Him. It’s a time where he can make all things new in your heart, heal you of brokenness, your past and anything that is weighing you down. This benefits you and prepares you for that special someone in God’s perfect timing.
Tune in to the podcast episode, Single and Satisfied:
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Stay Encouraged, Leah
Awesome, timely message. All true!!!!
I absolutely love this message❤️
👍 Wise Godly advice.
I’m listening to the singles episode.. very encouraging, especially knowing you’re living it out!