Far too many people claim to be Christian when in fact they are just believers. Living according to God’s standard is true Christianity. The definition of Christian is “little Christ” or “Christlike”, not living worldlike.
There’s a difference between just liking Jesus and him being the Lord of your life.
You see, it’s easy to believe. Believing doesn’t require change. I can believe that I need to stop eating junk food but that doesn’t help me lose weight. It’s not until I actually put the chip bag down that I see results.
The devil himself believes in Jesus.
You believe in God? The demons also believe and shudder” – james 2:19
Sadly, there are many false Christians who will be expecting to go to heaven and will be denied entrance.
When you have repented and put your faith in Christ it will lead to a change of life. Follow God and educate yourself with his Word. A true Christian, living an obedient life, is a constant rebuke to those who accept the standards of this world.
Many people follow false teachings from the bible given by false preachers or they just refuse to obey instructions from God and follow their own minds. This is not true Christianity.
There are many people who throw on the Christian name tag and think by just going to church they will be granted heaven, which is false. You know there are people like that in your church and especially in the youth today.

There are people still having sex outside of marriage, still going to clubs, addicted to godless entertainment, are chasing after temporary pleasures, still have a continuous willful potty mouth and their hearts are hard.
This lost and dying world is looking for hope, fulfillment and an answer. But if you think and act the same as them then you have nothing to offer. They should be attracted to your joy, love, peace and Savior. They should want to leave the world behind when they meet you.
Do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].” -romans 12:2
True Christianity
Am I saying that a Christian is perfect? No. Can a Christian backslide? Yes, but there will be growth and maturity in a true follower of Christ because it is God working in them. They will be convicted and quick to repentance. They won’t just remain in darkness if they are the Lord’s sheep because God will discipline them and also His sheep hear His voice.
Quick Conviction
Evidence that you are a Christian is not entertaining yourself with all the things popular to culture, your fleshly desires and the peer pressure that comes with. We must allow the Holy Spirit to quickly convict us of every thought, word and action. If you are living without that sensitivity to the spirit of God and continue to justify your sin, then you can’t claim to be a Christian. Be honest with yourself, you’re just a believer.
There’s a difference between just liking Jesus and him being the Lord of your life.”
So I ask you, friends, Are you the Real Deal?
If you are knowingly living worldly or feeling convicted by this message, if the holy spirit is getting your attention, then I encourage you to humbly repent and turn to Him in complete surrender today.
Begin living your best life full of freedom.
I’m praying for you.
Be encouraged, Leah
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