God is a miracle worker, yes he is. He can heal your body, mind, and heart with just one touch. Furthermore, our powerful, great Physician still raises dead things to life. Expect it. Believe it. Never stop hoping and praying for your situation.
That being said, I can tell you from my own experiences and witnessing his hand working in others, that he doesn’t always heal in the way we expect him to.
In fact, he doesn’t do most things the way we expect him to. The reason is, he is God and we are not. He deserves all the glory and we do not. We think logical, he is out of our box. We are natural, he is supernatural.
Healing, Suffering and God’s Purposes
Back in the bible days, we read so many true stories of God touching the sick and instant powerful healings took place. There were also times that God did not heal immediately. However, everything happens in His perfect timing and for his perfect purposes.
Sometimes God allows trials as a tool to develop in and through us a life that changes us and others.
I can share my own testimony in that God allowed pain and loss to create in me godly character, unwavering faith, unmoveable trust, and a ministry that blesses many. My life points straight to the power of Jesus and it’s the suffering that produced that. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t go through that long season.

Now when we are spiritually immature and we don’t see our lives through God’s lens, his perspective, it’s hard to see any good in our suffering. But the more you get to know Jesus and his character, he starts to bring clarity and understanding. When you surrender all and partner with him, he will transform your perspective and give you fresh hope.
Sometimes God allows trials as a tool to develop in and through us a life that changes us and others.”
Tune in to the podcast episode, Healing, Suffering and God’s Purposes for more revelation:
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