As I sit here I just can’t help but smile. I’m in awe of how good God is. He truly is everything we could ever want or need. But sadly most people don’t really come to that understanding until they have been stripped of what this world offers.
You don’t know God is all you need, until God is all you have.”
When the temporary is shaken then God reveals His steady, unchanging presence in our lives. He wins us over with His love and melt our hearts with His peace.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb.” -Psalm 139:13
He created us for a specific purpose. We are not an accident. Our gender, our appeareance, our personalities and even our stengths and weaknesses are not a mistake. It’s the devil that lies and brings confusion, not God.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” –Psalm 139:14
The enemy is after our identity. He will attack our mind and have us entertaining lies for as long as we allow Him too. I love to shout, “You have no power Satan, go back to the pit where you belong!!” We must be fearless and confident in Christ.
We serve Jesus who promises to be our defender and peacemaker. As the scripture says,
Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.” -Romans 10:11
So if you are feeling discouraged, rise up. Start to proclaim the truth. Speak out who God says you are. I mean, do you really believe that the very same God that knows the exact number of every hair on your head isn’t obsessed with you His thoughts for us out number the grains of sand on the beach. That’s stalker status.
Let’s Pray:
“Lord, please captivate my thoughts. I break off every lie that I have entertained about myself. I have great purpose and meaning. Open up those doors of purpose that you have set in place just for me. Thank you for loving me like no other. Amen.”
I really like your writing, you have truly outstanding writing skills. Personable, relatable and concise. So easy to read, well edited, but not too polished, it reads like it was written from the heart.