Sometimes we think we have God kinda figured out. We assume how he will respond or act in situations. Then He turns around and surprises us. It’s as if he’s saying, “I am God who is all-powerful. I’m not going to fit into your logical human box.” I’ve seen Him heal and protect people that were in rebellion and allow pain in the lives of those surrendered.
Keep in mind
God is sovereign. His ways are not our ways. His timing is not our timing. He is after His glory and our hearts.
At the beginning of this journey I’m on now, I’ve gotten mad at God. All because “I did everything right and deserved better and He should of prevented this.” But the more I gave it to Him and trusted Him fully, He started showing me the right perspective. And let me tell you friends, our walk is all about the right perspective. It changes everything. You must see your situation with spiritual glasses.
I came across another example of this while studying the children of Egypt.
When our ancestors were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea. Yet he saved them for His names sake, to make His mighty power known.” – Psalm 106: 7-8
I now look back and am amazed on how He has and is truly setting up my life to display His wonders. So many things don’t make sense at the time but looking back I’m captivated. I fall more in love with Jesus, the more I trust Him.
Many times His grace has nothing to do with us. God always has a bigger picture in mind. It’s always so much bigger.
Let’s Pray:
“Lord, give me your perspective. I want to see through spiritual glasses. I want to understand your ways and trust you when I don’t. Amen.”
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