Can you believe there’s only 3 months left of this decade? Right! Time flies. I thought we would have flying cars like the Jetsons by now. But there are some shocking facts happening now in our culture that I didn’t expect. Like the effort to impeach a President or the constant news of hopelessness and suicide. We are living in a heavy day and age.
There is only one cure. JESUS.
He calls us to seek Him. Not just a sweet, comfortable quiet time but to earnestly seek Him.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” -Hebrews 11:6
What does the word earnestly really mean As I researched, the word took a powerful meaning.
[ur-nist ]
4 full seriousness, as of intention or purpose
God calls us to come to Him undistracted and serious in intention. With great purpose and zealous. This means with great passion, dedication, coming on strong, a burning, fanatic, obsessed, pushy, wild-eyed, keen and spirited. Are we zealously and earnestly seeking Jesus
I don’t mean coming to Him desperate when we have a great need. No other reason except He is faithful. And He is worthy. For He deserves it all. He tells us it’s then that we receive the true reward. He is the reward.
Let’s Pray:
Lord, forgive us for earnestly devoting ourselves to our kingdom before yours. For seeking others before you. For delighting ourselves in the temporary over the eternal. I want to receive the great reward of knowing you. Stir in me a hunger that cannot be quenched. Amen.
Beautifully said, Leah. “The True Reward” reminds me of a song….”Taste and see, The Lord is good, good to those who hunger after Him. Drink and be filled, from the Living Well, and never thirst again, never thirst again. Taste and see…The Lord is good.”