One thing that always baffles me is Christians that claim to believe in the bible, who invest and commit to bible studies but don’t really believe in the impossible. The bible is full of crazy, unimaginable, over the top stories of miracles and promises fulfilled. The same God of Noah, Moses, Joseph, Sarah, Mary and countless others, is the same God in 2019.
I remember a few years ago being part of a bible study that demonstrated such unbelief. The leader pulled me into the kitchen one day, upset, questioning my promises and telling me,”How do you know God spoke to you! I’ve never heard Him speak.”
My first thought was, wow that’s sad and then I thought you are leading others to believe in the bible If you are a follower and you’ve never heard God speak, then you aren’t listening.
They don’t get it
The problem with some is that they haven’t had their own divine encounter. But when God shows up in an impossible, miraculous way for you personally then you get it. You believe it for yourself and others. It’s undeniable and no one can cause doubt in your heart.
While reading Luke 8:26-37 I was reminded of this. After Jesus did some crazy, powerful healing miracles, the people of the region asked Him to leave out of fear. You would think that they would be flocking to Him and thanking Him. Yet they feared the unknown.
But the man that was demon-possessed for years, cried and fell at Jesus’ feet in desperation, was healed and didn’t want to leave Jesus’ side. Those that are desperate will chase after Him and witness His wonders.
Don’t allow those who don’t have faith and don’t understand the promises from God for your life hinder you. Not everyone will believe or accept the joy and miracle due to fear of the unknown to them.
In addition, not everyone wants to be completely healed. Unfortunately, people have become comfortable with their pain, their normal and allowing God to really heal you takes work. But those that Jesus touches are never the same and want to shout it from the mountain tops. Free of fear. Those that hear from Him and experience His power just don’t care what others say or think.
Great news
The God of miracles is alive and well. Do you dare to believe?
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