Have you ever said you would never do something just to catch yourself doing it? We as Christians mean well and we think we know ourselves so well but God knows the deepest crevices of our hearts.
Here I am meditating on the accounts of Jesus being arrested. He is sitting with 12 of His chosen, hand-picked followers and best friends. The ones who have witnessed every miracle defended His flawless character and knew His destiny.
As He sat down to have their last meal together, He comforted and prayed for them. As they were eating, He boldly spurts out, “One of you will betray me.”
Peter was quick to respond, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”
“Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”
But Peter declared,
Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.”
As we know, Peter denied Jesus three times. And he wept bitterly as a result. Matthew 26
This is why it is so important to stay humble, knowing that at anytime our weakness can get the better of us and pride comes before every fall.
The more you cling and develop a love relationship with Jesus the more you become like Him. If you allow offense, unforgiveness, pride and doubt to set in then we are all prone.
I’m reminded of a couple of really close friends growing up that were solid believers, that professed to never deny Jesus. However, they lived in a challenging environment being the only Christian in their family.
Eventually, the family pressure took it’s toll and caused doubt in their hearts. I remember getting a call that stunned me, as they tell me they no longer believe in Jesus and have walked away from their faith. What sad news. There are still Peters among us and if we don’t keep our hearts in check it could be us.
Even though Jesus knew who would betray Him, He never rejected, mistreated or denied the betrayer. He loves us the same and His perfect grace covers a multitude of sins. What great love is this!
Repentance is always the key to a new start.
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