We are always being lured by something in our lives. Even good blessings can seem to fill voids that God is meant to fill. You see, we were created to have that God-shaped void that only He can fill. We are meant to chase Jesus.
As Mick Jagger sings, “Can’t get no satisfaction.” This is true apart from Christ. Recently, two icons, who seemed to “have it all” took their own lives. Mental illness is real but so is the power of God’s relentless love. He alone makes all that’s broken whole.
Jesus disciples asked Him one day, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important”
The most important one,answered Jesus, is this, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” – Mark 12:29-31
Notice He says All. Not with some of your heart, soul, mind, and strength but with all. Loving others comes second to loving God. The second greatest commandment He says is to,
Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
Let’s look at how to practically love Jesus in this way. When you love someone with all your heart, you are out to please them, you miss them when they are not around and you make spending time with them a priority. When you love someone with all your soul, you are not satisfied with the ordinary, you must have a genuine connection with that person.
In addition, loving someone with all your mind puts you in a constant daydreaming state of mind. While thinking back on those good times and conversations, thinking positive thoughts of that person, and coming up with creative ways to spend time together. And when you love someone with all your strength, you don’t give up.
Are we loving God in this way with all our heart, soul, mind and strength?
As I was leaving my Apple appt. the other day, I saw this laugh out loud bumper sticker.
Everything changes when we live according to this greatest commandment, to be consumed with Jesus.
Let’s pray
“Lord, please forgive me for other idols in my life. Making created things more important, my creator. I give you my whole heart and I pray you will reveal your love to me in such a greater way. Satisfy every void with more of you. I want to seek you and know you, oh lover of my soul. Amen.”
Amen Leah. Love the bumper sticker.