We are taught growing up, that we should go to college, get a good education and chase the American dream. Everyone wants to be comfortable and secure. Nice house, nice car and with money in the bank and so on.
As an entrepreneur and owner of two businesses, I can get caught up focused on growth. Even though I give God credit for my work and have dedicated my businesses to Him early on, I still can felt the pressure of success. Living in a world where your identity is defined by what you have such as money, followers and fame we need to stay planted in truth. My priorities changed when the Holy Spirit spoke to me as I was reading Matthew 6:33
Seek first His kingdomand His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
He said, “Give me your businesses. Seek me first and ALL these things will be added. I will open doors no man can shut.”
Our Provider
Since that moment, I’ve redirected how I approach my time. I gave it all to Him and what a sigh of relief. I’ve made spending time with Him more important that growing my businesses.
When you give your life, every part of it to God, it frees you up from worry, comparison, and stress. That doesn’t mean that you don’t put in the work, continue to educate yourself and strive for excellence, of course, you do. What it means is, He owns it all and whatever happens is fine because He is ultimately our provider, not man.
You see, because I gave God my businesses, it’s not up to me to strive to be successful, that’s on Him. After all, it’s only because of Him that we have anything. Releasing it all to Him also keeps us humble, because pride is what tells us, “you’ve earned it.”
He loves to prove Himself in our lives and get ALL the glory. Just recently last week, a woman called me up saying, “I saw your beautiful wedding photography, my daughter is getting married. Where do I send the check?” Literally, no meeting or negotiating and no marketing needed.
I encourage you to realign all that you hold dear. Whatever it is to you. We all feel like we need to be in control of certain things in our lives. Give it all to God, release outcomes to Him and completely trust in His character and watch Him open doors that no man can shut.
That was so informative and I know I have work to do! I have faith but honestly I am afraid to step out. Sigh……
Hi friend, it’s so wonderfully encouraging to watch your story unfold. Thank you for sharing! BTW- don’t forget to post when your family is on the Feud!
Love Deanna