We all do it. We speak over ourselves or allow others to do so. I don’t believe most of us know the actual power in words. We must constantly stay aware that we have an adversary. Satan, our enemy is real and he exists to lie, kill and destroy. John 10:10 When we speak over our life or the lives of others, we give the enemy permission.
Accusations often come in the ‘first person’ meaning they are designed to trick you into believing it is your personal thought. For example: “I can never do anything right.” We embrace that accusation and allow it to sap our strength. If it is allowed to go unchecked in our mind, we will start voicing the accusations saying, “I can never do anything right.” We may then find things begin to not go right. By embracing the lie, we empower Satan, the father of lies.
Believe truth
However, the truth is that “We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.” Philippians 4:13 A simple way to remember is that the accuser accuses; while the comforter comforts. If what it is saying is contrary to the word of God, it is an accusation, and therefore, it did not find it’s origin in heaven!
I remember several years ago, out of being fed up and with a broken heart, shouting a bold statement that I literally felt immediately changed the atmosphere. I knew right then that I gave the enemy permission to make those words a reality. To wreak havoc on my life and he did. It was like overnight a tornado happened.
The enemy seeks to divert you from your purpose because he fears you fulfilling your purpose. He attempts to neutralize your impact and effect on the Kingdom of God. Accusations that are taken to heart alter destinies.
Here is a list of typical accusations:
- I’m not worthy.
- or I’m stupid.
- I’m selfish.
- or I’m unattractive.
- I don’t have anything to offer.
- or I can’t be forgiven.
- I can’t do what God is asking.
Wives/Husbands/Parents deal with accusations such as:
- My husband/wife/child doesn’t love me.
- or My husband/wife/child is an adulterer.
- My husband/wife/child is an alcoholic.
- or My husband/wife/child is lazy.
- My husband/wife/child is no good.
- or My husband/wife/child is a liar.
- My husband/wife/child is just like His father.
- My husband/wife/child is lazy.
- I can’t please my husband/wife/child.
Singles, on the other hand, have different accusations they may deal with:
- What’s wrong with me
- Why can’t I find a mate
- I don’t deserve a husband/wife.
- I’ll never get married
Dismantle every lie
We even make accusations about others that are having an impact. Embracing any one of these can hinder you from fulfilling your destiny. It is crucial that we learn to identify these accusations and get them dismantled so we can stop their impact on our lives and the lives of others.
I highly recommend a life-changing book, The Courts of Heaven An Introduction and Overcoming Verdicts by Dr. Ron M. Horner.
Accusations that are taken to heart, alter destinies.”
Tune in for Part II next week. I will speak of how to dismantle accusations. Until then, do not think or speak accusations over yourself or others. Repent for any unforgiveness you may have. Whether your thoughts & words seem true or reality in your life, keep your mouth sealed and take it to God, who is our great defender.
This is exactly what I have chosen to work on right now. It is so easy to beat ourselves up & say these lies to ourselves but God would not want that for us. We are his beautiful children and he wants us to say to ourselves we are worthy , we are smart, we are capable of all things through Jesus, we are beautiful, we are loved!!!! Thank you Leah Thank you!