As I woke this morning to the news of Rev. Billy Graham’s passing, I just started weeping. He has been one of the greatest examples of what it means to live for Jesus. Not to just believe in Jesus or do good but to surrender your life completely to Him. He defined what a true disciple really is with 100 years of putting God’s kingdom first.
Billy Graham not only made Christ known but he lived a life of integrity, free of any scandal, who stood up for what was right at all cost. He was a friend and advisor to the greats. Presidents, World Leaders, the Queen, Martin Luther King, Jr., they all revered Him. I remember seeing Him once at His crusade in Oakland, California as a young adult and it was unforgettable.
Now you might say, well he had the gift of evangelism or that he was chosen. The truth is that Billy Graham, at a young age asked God “to use Him and do whatever he wanted with His life”. That is the difference between Him and most. He was willing to build God’s kingdom before His own.
My friend who worked for Billy Graham for 7 years, created this tribute to Him.
God’s will
I was on the phone with my dad yesterday and he reminded me of the time I told Him that I was afraid to ask for God’s will in my life. And to see who I am today. You see, I wanted control of my life and was afraid God’s will would make me unhappy. I grew up loving Jesus and living a moral life but did not live in true surrender. He was my co-pilot.
The day I got on my knees in surrender, He revealed the truth deep in my heart that removed fears. I then had no doubt how deeply He loves me, that He completely has my back and His ways are better than mine.
Since that day, I have watched Jesus shine brightest in my life. Since that day, I’ve felt as if I was born again and ask myself, “what have I been doing my whole life!”
So while I honor Billy Graham for living it out loud, I know God wants that life for all of us. A life that glorifies Him alone. Points others to the gospel and makes the most of every opportunity. When my time is up I want to hear what I know he heard today- “Well done good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:23
“The time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course and have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness.” –2 Tim 4:6-8
Will miss him for now. What a legacy he left behind. I do believe he will hear those words …….well done MY good and faithful servant.
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